
Gravity 2013
Gravity 2013

gravity 2013
  1. #Gravity 2013 how to
  2. #Gravity 2013 movie

In closing, the special effects were great but the weak story relied on too many absurd contrivances and the script contained no redeeming dialog (sorry, George). For all of the CGI effort, I had hoped the Earth would look more realistic and (naturally) beautiful. Of lesser failures: Space debris traveling 20,000 miles an hour relative to an observer is not going to be visible except *possibly* as an indistinct cloud that passes by so fast the "observer" won't know what hit them.

#Gravity 2013 how to

No way could Ryan Stone figure out how to operate the Chinese capsule just by poking around. No way could Ryan Stone figure out how to operate a Soyuz capsule in a few seconds of reading the manuals. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Gravity also asks us to believe that the orbit of the space debris intersected with that of the shuttle and was synchronized with it. Not only are their orbits vastly different in altitude and trajectory, it would be highly unlikely for them all to be near each other in the same orbit. These objects just don't orbit anywhere-ANYWHERE!!!!-near close enough to each other to make these events even remotely possible. (Maybe someone will be brave enough to register the contrivances formally as "goofs" here on IMDb?) No way could astronauts from the shuttle ever reach the International Space Station, but Gravity asks us to believe both this could happen and that an astronaut could then go on to reach a Chinese space station, too.

#Gravity 2013 movie

The weak parts of the movie are the contrivances that link these segments together, along with unbelievably bad dialog. In segments, Gravity has marvelous special effects-truly a remarkable achievement. Not a bad watch but nothing to rave about either. So what works for the movie? It's a cross between an IMAX documentary with some suspense elements thrown it which makes it look path breaking. I wont even mention the in-your-face allegory about rebirth which is there for to make the movie seem deeper than it is. Ryan has a hallucinatory moment when she talks to herself following some Mandarin Chatter on the radio which is cringe worthy. The the dialogs when they come are nothing to write home about. Oh manufactured suspense owing to the whole can't-understand-this-thing machinery.

gravity 2013

Do the controls on various international space stations have their national languages on them? Really? Maybe they do but seems hard to believe when 20$ phones are built with custom User interfaces with changeable languages, why have your billion dollar space stations with Russian or Chinese characters on your buttons totally beats me. Also at times I couldn't shrug off the feeling that what they are showing on screen is not actually factual. It's fine that they used some standard tricks but it all seems so manufactured and mechanical by the numbers suspense. Then a fire in a space station, then running out of Oxygen, then something then something. Every time Ryan gets anywhere near the Air Lock (she does it three times), the debris presents itself like on cue every single time. Then the whole manufactured sense of suspense. Who is Kowalski? Who are the people who died in their space pods? No idea. Apart from this minor bit, nothing is presented in terms of character development for any other protagonists. We come to know that Ryan has some head issues surrounding the death of her daughter as the writer felt a dire need to give Ryan some sort of existential problem in her head to make her character feel more human.

gravity 2013 gravity 2013

Apparently Ryan has six months of training (only) and fails to be responsive and then the trouble starts. Now upon hearing an emergency evacuation request, Kowalski (who has been wasting his precious thrusters all this while, floating around, spouting inane dialogs) orders Ryan (Bullock) to disengage from whatever she is repairing. Apparently the Russians bomb their own satellite by mistake and the debris is flying around at bullet speed, smashing everything in its way. Once you get over the initial wonderment surrounding the beautiful visuals, the chinks start showing up. On every other front,the movie falters badly. The setting is spectacular and the premise is inventive. Visually, Gravity is unlike what we have seen on a cinema screen before and arguably it has one of the best uses of 3D in a movie.

Gravity 2013